Please see below our current Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. This is updated annually.
Should any member of our school community have any safeguarding concerns, please contact Mrs Lammin, Mrs Fahey, Mrs Adams or Mrs Burton on 01249 652 556 or e-mail Mrs Adams on:
Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs Helen Fahey |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs Rebecca Adams |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Designated Teacher of Children Looked After and Children Previously Looked After Mrs Katie Burton |
Ivy Lane Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection and follows the child protection procedures set out by the Wiltshire Safeguarding Board and has regard to statutory guidance issued by the Department for Education Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2018.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding can be defined by promoting the health, safety and welfare of all pupils. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults, especially those working or volunteering with children. Ivy Lane Primary School aims to help to protect the children in its care by working consistently and appropriately with all relevant agencies to reduce risk and promote the welfare of children.
What is child protection?
Child protection is a part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. This refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.
Child protection and your school - Leaflet (pdf document). Information for parents and young people.
Below is a selection of other documentation and links that parents and carers may also find useful:
- E-Safety. NSPCC: Talking to your child about keeping safe online.
- Keeping Your Child Safe - a guide for parents and carers.
- Female Genital Mutilation - The Facts.
- Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.
- Private Fostering.
- Allegations Against Adults - Risk of Harm to Children Guidance Flowchart and contact telephone numbers.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education. DfE document.
- Child Sexual Exploitation. Wiltshire Council Presentation.
- Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children & young people in education.
- The Prevent Strategy - Information for parents.
- Talk PANTS & Help Keep Your Child Safe. NSPCC info: simple conversations to help keep your child safe.
- What to do if you are worried a child is being abused or neglected Guidance Flowchart and contact telephone numbers.